
How To Get Rid Of Japanese Beetles In Garden

Have you discovered Japanese beetles in your yard? If so you are wondering how to get rid of Japanese Beetles! Here are safe ways to get rid of Japanese Beetles in the garden. These methods are mostly natural and do not include using harsh chemicals.

7 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles in the Garden- Japanese beetles can wreak havoc on your garden plants. Here 7 ways to repel these pests safely.

Japanese beetles are one of the worst pests to have around your garden. They can wreak a ton of havoc, and in no time at all the plants and leaves look terrible. Fortunately, there are some ways you can battle against these bugs and get rid of Japanese beetles in your garden – and in a safe manner too!

If you enjoy gardening but hate seeing your plants get destroyed by these pests, check out the 7 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles in the Garden below.

how to get rid of Japanese Beetles from your yard and garden so they don't devastate your plants.

7 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles in the Garden

1. Handpicking:Removing the Japanese beetles you see manually may be time-consuming, but it's one of the most effective ways to get them out of the garden. Fill a bucket with hot soapy water and hold it beneath the plants as you gently shake them. The bugs will fall into the water and drown by morning. The smell they give off in the bucket will help fend off other beetles.

2. Baby Powder:Using baby powder is a great deterrent for smaller gardens or just a selection of plants. Sprinkle the leaves with the powder, just enough for a dusting. This will alter the taste and smell of the plants, leaving them undesirable to the beetles. Make sure you sprinkle on more baby powder after each rain.

3. Clean Up:Japanese beetles are attracted to an area by rotting wood or diseased plants. Before it's time for them to start coming around, be sure to clean up your yard, particularly the area around your garden.

4. Garlic: The scent of garlic is unappealing to many garden pests, and Japanese beetles are no exception. You can use garlic one of two ways. First, plant garlic as an outer border for your garden to keep the bugs away. Secondly, make a spray using garlic powder and baby oil. Spritz the leaves with it every few days to keep the beetles from munching on your plants.

5. Milky Spores:Milky spore is an organic repellent for Japanese beetles. It infects the grubs before they reach the beetle stage. When they die, they release even more milky spores into the ground, killing more grubs. This method can take a year or two to fully be effective, but it can work well for 10-15 years once implemented.

6. Nematodes:Nematodes work similar to the milky spores in that they kill grubs after entering their body. When used in combination with milky spores, nematodes can greatly reduce and control the Japanese beetle population around your plants.

7. Plan your Planting:There are some plants that Japanese beetles tend to gravitate to way more than others. If you have a huge pest problem, it may be best to stay away from their favorites. Japanese beetles like apple, birch, rose, crape myrtle, pin oak, cherry, and plum. Opt for plants least favored by the beetles, such as ash, redbud, magnolia, hemlock, dogwood, and boxwood.

7 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles

Do you know of another safe way to get rid of Japanese beetles? Let us know in the comments!

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How To Get Rid Of Japanese Beetles In Garden


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